
Why is Blended Learning a challenge for our future classes.

by | 19 Jul, 2023 | Preparatoria

As the world of education changes and evolves to new ways of teaching, the teachers have had to step it up and become a beacon of hope for their student’s to acquire the most of their education.

Blended learning is a style of education that combines the best of both worlds, technology and face to face learning, in a way we could say that this will help us personalize the learning objectives for our students and teach them how to achieve thoughtful reflection and be able to differentiate their skills and abilities toward the subjects and their development.

Through blended learning teachers have noticed one thing, students are doing much better and that has to do with them being able to be in control of their own learning experience.

Teachers’ instructional practices and tools are transformed to adapt to these new skills which have come along to stay and have made teachers plan their classes in a different way which includes thought-out brain-friendly classes and active engagement with technology to foster student-centered learning by combining online and face to face lessons in a very creative way.

Being able to combine technology and face to face instruction has had a positive impact in the learning process, so we have stepped it up and developed the skills for all of our student’s to have the best experience in their learning process.

We are ready for what the future holds.